
Business process modelling case study
Business process modelling case study

business process modelling case study

The framework is theoretically based on Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research, and initially tested with a web-based questionnaire in Finland. The objective of this paper is to propose a framework for analyzing process modelling as a work activity in organizational settings. A structured means for gaining a holistic picture of the activity of process modelling seems to be missing. Process modelling is complex activity that incorporates various kinds of resources for fulfilling the purposes of modelling. However, practitioners face challenges when planning and conducting the modelling activities. The different aspects of process modelling are heavily studied areas in academia, focusing e.g., on the process models and their quality, modelling languages, or the success factors and general guidelines for the practitioners exist. Process modelling is important supportive activity in organizations for information systems development, process improvement, and enterprise architecting.

business process modelling case study

This study addresses this gap by using various methods to develop a language for process map design which will support practitioners to design their process maps in a standardized manner.

business process modelling case study

As a result, we are faced with a vast variety of process map designs from practice, as practitioners typically rely on their own creativity when undertaking this task. BPMN, EPC), such a language for supporting the design of process maps is still missing. Whereas there are well-defined languages for modelling the details of singular processes (e.g. The most top level is commonly the process map where all processes of one organization and the relations between them are depicted in a very abstract manner. The process models are typically organized in a process architecture which comprises a number of levels. As a result organizations are faced with large collections of process models. In this context business process modeling is used to graphically represent business processes. An approach that enables achieving such process orientation is business process management (BPM). (Kim Hindle, 2006)The simulation adopted by the SIMUL8 planner is a blueprint aimed at providing a flexible, faster and proficient mechanism of analyzing the composite production process with a view to maximizing profits within the company.Organizations are leaning towards becoming more processoriented in order to better serve their customers. Complexities at this stage including manually creating schedules for the department and lack of flexibility in the system to adapt to the constantly changing environment in the production line have led to a high work-in-progress and inefficient product batches for the production machines. It concentrates on the lay-up department as it is responsible for the initial layout and lamination of the cut composite material shapes to be used in the assembly line. (SIMUL8)It seeks to address the production of specialized high-carbon parts for various assembly organs in a composite manufacturing system as the process is lengthy and complex.

business process modelling case study

It provides an opportunity to study the relationships of the different processes as relates to each other without assuming the magnanimous risk that an actual study of the processes would entail. The study examines the ability of the SIMUL8 planner as a scheduling system to improve due date conformance and to make better use of operating capacity within a composite manufacturing center. While realizing the ability of the SIMUL8 planner to provide a powerful platform to develop, test, and refine production schedules before being released into the shop-floor, the study sought to generate production plans for composite modeling companies that would lead to efficacy within the systems providing for maximum profits within themIt sought to synchronize the existing systems with improved processes across the plant processes leading to improved performance. It studies the SIMUL8 planner’s ability to correctly provide data from a simulation that would be directly relevant and identical to the sampled production line leading to saving on time and cost.

Business process modelling case study